How to reverse type 2 diabetes using just your diet In 2019 the American diabetes association published a consensus report on nutrition therapy for adults with diabetes and what this means is that they got all their top scientists together, and they hammered out what they considered the best scientific evidence for diet and this is what they recommended. They recognize that their variety of eating patterns are acceptable for the management of diabetes. There are certain principles that is emphasizing non-starchy vegetables minimizing added sugars and refined grains and choosing whole foods, but another key recommendation from the scientists is that reducing the overall carbohydrate intake for individuals with diabetes has the most evidence for controlling.

Type 2 diabetes in other words the low carbohydrate diet is perhaps the most effective diet according to these experts for managing or even reversing your type 2 diabetes. In order to understand how the diet works. It's simply an overflow problem therefore the rational strategy if you have too much sugar in your body is to reduce the amount of sugar going into your body.

Therefore, a low carbohydrate diet makes a lot of sense because you're switching from eating foods that contain a lot of sugars which are glucose and sometimes fructose to eating more foods that contain protein and fat and while these have calories and other nutrients they don't have a lot of glucose and the problem is too much glucose so that's how a low carbohydrate diet can be very effective in reducing type 2 diabetes or even reversing it.

Recently Dr David and Jen unwind in the United Kingdom published a very interesting study of how they use low carbohydrate diets in their practice in the UK to reverse type 2 diabetes Dr zunwyn are brilliant clinical um innovators who have been honored by their society there and what they did was they noted that in their practice from any 1987 to 2018.

There was an eight-fold increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes so since 2013 they started to offer low carbohydrate diets as an alternative to using medications and not everybody took this advice they found that 27 percent of those people took the advice in their practice they gave people a very simple to understand sheet with dietary advice for low carbohydrate intake as well as a simple infographic and simply monitor them over time the results when they analyzed them were nothing short of stunning over the time that the people took this low carbohydrate diet they lost an average of 8.3 kilograms which is more than 18 pounds they were able to reduce the overall medication use and a stunning 46 percent of type 2 diabetics actually reverse their disease so that they were no longer considered diabetic in pre-diabetes the results were even better 93 percent of people who use this low carbohydrate diet advice actually became non-diabetic they were able to reverse their type 2 diabetes they're able to reverse their pre-diabetes. You have to understand a little bit about. Why people develop type 2 diabetes one of the important things is that type 2 diabetes is actually a reversible dietary disease and most people won't tell you that in fact places like diabetes Canada say it's a chronic progressive disorder, but most people understand that if you lose weight then almost always that type 2 diabetes gets better or even goes away the disease of type 2 diabetes is very simple to understand essentially there's simply too much sugar in your body that is both glucose which is found in starchy foods starches are actually chains of glucose and also fructose which is found in simple sugars like table sugar or fruit.

So when your body has too much of this sugar both glucose and fructose, and it can't store any more of it than it's going to spill out into the blood and when your blood glucose starts to rise that's when your doctor makes the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Remember that if you are on medication please be sure to check with your doctor first and also

follow up;

During this process this is the simple one-page sheet that patients were provided that told them what kind of diet to follow very simple rules firstly sugar just cut it out all together the other thing is with starchy carbohydrates remember that when they get broken down they're often broken down into glucose which is a type of sugar, so things like bread rice potatoes try to reduce them significantly. The other green vegetables are all fine you should eat as much as you want to turn the white stuff into the green stuff so that you get a nice big dinner still fruit is a little bit trickier because some fruits tend to be very sweet and therefore have a lot of sugar in them others like berries tend to be much better, and you can be a little bit more relaxed with those eat lots of healthy protein, so things like meat eggs fish oily fish full fat yogurt is good breakfast notes as well and fats in moderation are fine make sure you stick to natural fats things like olive oil butter coconut oil or fats that are found in nature. They're unprocessed to beware of low-fat foods they can often have a lot of sugars and sweeteners and cheese only in moderation because it can be very easy to overeat them. The other thing is to make sure you avoid snacks because they can be very habit-forming, and it's very easy to eat them without thinking and therefore overeat them too much in essence you're eating lots of vegetables with proteins and healthy fats and that leaves you feeling properly full in a way that lasts, and therefore you do not need to snack all the time and finally.

About sweeteners just cut them out their trick your brain into thinking that you're hungry and make it even harder to lose weight that's fairly simple standard advice that almost anybody can follow

they also give an infographic just demonstrating how many equivalent sugars are in certain foods just to drive home how much sugar can be contained and why it needs to be avoided especially very starchy foods and that's really all there is to it if you can switch over to cutting down the carbohydrates emphasizing the green vegetables non-starchy vegetables proteins and healthy fats then you stand a

Good chance of reversing type 2 diabetes again remembering that type 2 diabetes is not that hard to understand it's like a rain barrel if you are filling it up with too much water it's going to spill over just like the sugar is going to spill over into our body the best thing is not to get lots of mops and clean it up all the time the best thing is to turn off the tap and when you do that you can stop filling up the body with sugar and therefore the blood sugar falls and then you stand a good chance of reversing type 2 diabetes .

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